Facets of theRhôneKing of rivers


The Rhone from its source to the Mediterranean
Sion: May 23 - September 30, 2024
Vienna: June 14 - September 25, 2023
Lyon: May 20 - July 20, 2022
Port-Saint-Louis: May 16 - June 16, 2022
Paris: March 13 - July 14, 2021



The Rhone from its source to the Mediterranean
Sion: May 23 - September 30, 2024
Vienna: June 14 - September 25, 2023
Lyon: May 20 - July 20, 2022
Port-Saint-Louis: May 16 - June 16, 2022
Paris: March 13 - July 14, 2021

These exhibitions “Facets of the Rhone, the king of rivers” are designed as an invitation to travel.

Exposition "Visages du Rhône" de Camille Moirenc, jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.
Exposition "Visages du Rhône" de Camille Moirenc, jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.

These exhibitions touch on the place of rivers in our society, and illustrate and provide a perspective of the climatic changes that impact them.

They are organised sequentially from the Rhone Glacier to the Mediterranean Sea. 30 photographs highlight the Rhone in Switzerland while 50 are dedicated to its passage through France.

Exposition "Visages du Rhône" de Camille Moirenc, jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.

This journey allows the visitor to understand every facet of this river with dual nationality (Swiss and French): its history, territories, its impact on imagination, its hydropower and river infrastructures, its contribution to economic and leisure activities. There is also the essential source of water it represents for farming and for biodiversity that human beings must preserve.

Each photo is accompanied with a label and a kilometric marker to underline the distance of the river’s course. The texts allow the viewer to go beyond the simple beauty of the images to discover a more poetic, detailed and pedagogical interpretation.

Images of the territories, natural landscapes, urban and industrial sites and views of the different activities described above alternate in a rich and surprising tapestry for the visitor’s journey downstream.

Exposition "Visages du Rhône" de Camille Moirenc, jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.

The Camille Moirenc's
view of the Rhone

Camille Moirenc, photographe - Visages du Rhône, le fleuve roi

“I wish you a fine adventure in the flow of the king of rivers!”
Camille Moirenc.

The photographer, Camille Moirenc, was born at Aix en Provence in 1966. Greatly attached to his region, he has scoured his native Provence for 30 years and observed different, but in particular those of the environment and water. Camille has also spent 15 years travelling by foot, bicycle and air along the Rhone, and captured the king of rivers in all its states, moods and seasons, following its evolution. He is the witness of its development in terms of heritage, industry, leisure, nature, and navigability.

Here, Camille shows you the entire course of the Rhone, from its source in the Rhone glacier to the Mediterranean Sea, to reveal its strengths and weaknesses in its course to the coast.

It’s up to us to want to know, preserve and protect it!

You can also discover his artistic approach at his exhibitions and at his gallery in Aix-en-Provence.

Some key dates

  • 2001 First book of Marseille seen from the sky (pub. Jeanne Laffitte).
  • 2003 Series of 6 books on the French coast (pub. Larivière).
  • 2006 First collaboration with the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR).
  • 2010 Book, Marseille, the blue city (pub. Jeanne Laffitte).
  • 2011 Opening of La Gallery in Aix en Provence.
  • 2012 Exhibition “L’Eau à Marseille”, World Water Forum.
  • 2013 Travelling exhibition “L’Eau en Provence” with the Canal de Provence.
  • 2015 Book “Dracénie, Terres de Provence” (pub. Edisud).
  • 2016 10 years of collaboration with the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR).
  • 2018 Exhibition “438, Notre Littoral” with the Department of Bouches du Rhône in front of the Mucem, which received 80,000 visitors.
  • 2018 Book “438, Notre Littoral” (pub. Equinoxe).
  • 2018 Book “Rhône, le fleuve” (pub. Actes Sud).
  • 2019 Exhibition “le Rhône” Rencontres de la Photo, Arles.
  • 2021 Exhibition “Facets of the Rhone”, railings of the Luxembourg Gardens, the Senate, Paris.
  • 2022 Exhibition “Facets of the Rhone”, Tower Garden, Port-Sain-Louis-du-Rhône.
  • 2022 Exhibition “Facets of the Rhone”, railings of the Rhône Prefecture, Lyon.
  • 2023 Exhibition “Facets of the Rhone”, in Vienna.
  • 2024 Exhibition “Facets of the Rhone”, in Sion.
Camille Moirenc, photographe - Visages du Rhône, le fleuve roi
Camille Moirenc, photographe - Visages du Rhône, le fleuve roi



Gates of the Luxembourg Garden, Paris
March 13 to July 14, 2021

P O I N T K I L O M É T R I Q U E . 0 0 0 K M . P O I N T K I L O M É T R I Q U E . 0 0 0 K M .
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